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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 249-649

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Surface Gap Solitons at a Nonlinearity Interface

Tomáš Dohnal and Dmitry Pelinovsky

pp. 249-264

Bounded Solutions of Nonlocal Complex Ginzburg–Landau Equations for a Subcritical Bifurcation

V. A. Volpert, A. A. Nepomnyashchy, L. G. Stanton, and A. A. Golovin

pp. 265-283

Asynchronous and Synchronous Dispersals in Spatially Discrete Population Models

Abdul-Aziz Yakubu

pp. 284-310

Periodic Solutions in Hamiltonian Systems, Averaging, and the Lunar Problem

Patricia Yanguas, Jesús F. Palacián, Kenneth R. Meyer, and H. Scott Dumas

pp. 311-340

Basis Markov Partitions and Transition Matrices for Stochastic Systems

Erik Bollt, Pawel Góra, Andrzej Ostruszka, and Karol Życzkowski

pp. 341-360

Mixed-Mode Oscillations in Three Time-Scale Systems: A Prototypical Example

Martin Krupa, Nikola Popović, and Nancy Kopell

pp. 361-420

Chaotic $n$-Dimensional Euclidean and Hyperbolic Open Billiards and Chaotic Spinning Planar Billiards

Ali Deniz, Judy Kennedy, Sahin Koçak, Andrei V. Ratiu, Cevat Üstün, and James A. Yorke

pp. 421-436

Asymptotics of Null Lie Quadratics in $E^3$

Lyle Noakes

pp. 437-460

Normal Vectors on Critical Manifolds for Robust Design of Transient Processes in the Presence of Fast Disturbances

Johannes Gerhard, Wolfgang Marquardt, and Martin Mönnigmann

pp. 461-490

Wave Formation through the Interactions between Clustered States and Local Coupling in Arrays of Neural Oscillators

Fatma Gürel Kazanci and Bard Ermentrout

pp. 491-509

A Tracking Algorithm for Car Paths on Road Networks

Gabriella Bretti and Benedetto Piccoli

pp. 510-531

Macroscopic Dynamics of Complex Metastable Systems: Theory, Algorithms, and Application to B-DNA

Illia Horenko, Evelyn Dittmer, Filip Lankas, John Maddocks, Philipp Metzner, and Christof Schütte

pp. 532-560

On the Families of Periodic Orbits of the Sitnikov Problem

Jaume Llibre and Rafael Ortega

pp. 561-576

Freezing Multipulses and Multifronts

Wolf-Jürgen Beyn, Sabrina Selle, and Vera Thümmler

pp. 577-608

Mechanisms for Frequency Control in Neuronal Competition Models

Rodica Curtu, Asya Shpiro, Nava Rubin, and John Rinzel

pp. 609-649